Frequently Asked Questions

Hearing aids are basically electronic devices that pick up and amplify sound. They increase the volume of sounds that you normally wouldn’t hear, so you can. Siemens hearing aids do much more than amplify sound. Our sophisticated circuitry is programmed by your hearing care professional to suit your unique hearing loss, and our high-tech features are selected based on your lifestyle. Our state-of the-art hearing aids are designed to not only improve your hearing, but your life.
Consumers who buy hearing aids are entitled to a trial period, usually 30 days from the time of fitting. During this trial, your hearing care professional will work with you to ensure your complete satisfaction. You will have follow up visits to fine-tune your hearing aids, and if necessary, make any changes to the style or circuitry.
The majority of hearing loss results from damage to the inner ear. Most commonly, hearing loss occurs because aging and/or long-term exposure to loud noise has caused wear and tear on hair cells that send sound signals to the brain. Scientific research has also linked hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes to hearing loss since they constrict blood flow, which can cause damage to the inner ear. This type of hearing loss can only be treated with properly-fit hearing aids and cannot be reversed.

Some other causes of hearing loss are temporary and may be treated medically. These include excessive ear wax (cerumen), infections of the middle ear, and malfunctions of the middle ear bones (stapes). A complete diagnostic hearing test can identify which type of hearing loss you have and whether medical treatment will help.
Some occupations put you at greater risk of hearing loss, including: trades work, factory work, firefighting, law enforcement, farming, construction work, military service, heavy industry, music and other entertainment professions.
No hearing aid can restore your hearing 100 percent. However, our hearing aids will let you hear soft sounds that you couldn’t hear before. Your hearing aids will also help you better understand speech, especially in noisy environments.
Most people who lose their hearing due to inner ear damage will have about the same degree of loss in both ears, and will need to wear two hearing aids. If you only have hearing loss in one ear, you may only need to wear a hearing aid in your bad ear.

However, wearing two hearing aids has been proven to improve speech understanding in noise, localization (finding the source of sounds), and overall sound quality when compared to wearing only one aid. Today, more than 80 percent of all hearing aid fittings are binaural, or involve both ears.
Few physicians routinely screen for hearing loss. Since most people with hearing difficulties hear fine in quiet environments, it can be a very difficult problem for you to notice, or for your doctor to diagnose.
Few physicians routinely screen for hearing loss. Since most people with hearing difficulties hear fine in quiet environments, it can be a very difficult problem for you to notice, or for your doctor to diagnose.
To turn the hearing aid on, close the battery door.

To turn the hearing aid off, open the battery door. It is not necessary, but not harmful, to remove the battery completely from the hearing aid.